Saturday, November 18, 2006

This is a brand new idea....

So this is a brand new idea. I thought I would do what thousands have done before me (among the thousands some of my closest friends) and start a blog. It's true that I've been consistently late to bloom. For example: late at getting wisdom teeth, late to say anything and get them crushed inside my mouth and subsequently and violently extracted. Late to understand the punchline of most funny jokes. Fashion trends manage to fly by me at Monorail speed (RIP, the Monorail) and it's all I can do to jog helplessly after these figurative trains, wearing unfortunate things at inopportune times. Late like the white rabbit.

Anyhow, I've been considering the fact that I'm in a line of work which requires no creativity or expression whatsoever. I'm a Voicewriter, which means I repeat things (college classes, conference speakers... noises of most kinds) into an interpreter's mask. My speaking is interpreted by a voice-recognition machine which produces the transcript in a scrolling, TV-captioning form on a laptop for the benefit of people who are hard of hearing, or just benefit from seeing things written and would read that captioning or a transcript or whatever they like.

In fact, the ethics of said work literally bar me from editorializing or fabrication in the slightest. I am a non-entity, by trade. This status is sometimes comfortable, but more often the material I repeat and witness begs retelling. After reading some of the forthcoming blog, you may readily disagree.

I have a feeling this is highly unethical, so maybe this blog won't report exclusively on the remarkable things I have the privilege to repeat all day. Maybe that way I will manage to escape firing or dismemberment at the teeth of some verbatim reporters committee. Then again, what a glorious way to go.

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