Saturday, June 14, 2008

In all fairness, I don't know if I can self-identify as a voicewriter anymore.

So I'm taking suggestions for a new blog title. I am doing some soul-searching... which is not that productive when you're shallow. So what does anyone think about a new title?

Just to get the fire cracking, I think this new incarnation of my blog will be more about hating the law school admissions process and then ultimately probably hating law school.
And when that gets tired, I think I'll just send updates about my dogs.

Some working titles I have come up with are, "Wyatt and Junebug could get better LSAT scores than me and one of them is a dog. (The other is a T-rex, who incidentally looks like Terri Hatcher...?)"

or how about "When I was little I never thought I would be an attorney or a dog-owner... and other rude awakenings."

and finally, "Why is everyone publishing books about dog training? The free-for-all I have encouraged has ultimately been very rewarding. They are like latch-key kids who eat your underwear."

More soon. (Shudder.)